Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Poem About Twins

The heavens were excited, statistics were right.
"Gather round", the wisest of angels said, "Gods designed twins tonight".
It's quite a marvelous process as anybody knows...
Two separate souls beginning their lives, as his love just overflows.
Perhaps he'll make them just alike, or as different as can be.
But that's the way he wants it. He's planned it that way you see.
He must find a loving mom and a special dad...
For twins take special parents and the best just must be had.
So, your joy is mighty special, I'm sure you know it's true.
God knew you'd be these parents, and so, he sent you two.
Twins are twice as much fun! I will miss these precious little ones when they move. Ryder's melodic "oooohhhh" when he wants to give Josie a kiss, Josie cuddling up with me to watch a show, their eye contact and giggles, Ryder's adventurous nature, and Josie's princess demeanor. I'll even miss Ryder's hurt feelings when he has to have his diaper changed, and Josie's likewise when I can't pick her up too and she has to crawl to the bedroom. Mom and Dad are pretty special too; great parents in my opinion. I've learned as much from them as they from me.

1 comment:

  1. The poem tells me that the 2 little Angels definately fell into warm hands of the God fearing mom and Dad.

    I have 2 daughter aged 4 and 6 and I live them from the bottom of my heart. God decided to also bless us with a baby boy whom we expecting in January. I just can't wait.
