Wednesday, January 27, 2010


If I had one thing I would change from my past, it would be to write that book my bestest friend and I were going to write. It was to have all the funny things we did together written indelibly for our children to read when we were long gone from this world; like the time we had the pop-up tent canvas spread on her floor for repairing at 10:00 p.m. and a big brown grass spider came tearing under the back door straight for us. Oh, the screams and hopping and jumping that went on. But, most importantly, our book was to have those precious, memorable things our children did and said. Like the mock wedding when five year old Sarah married five year old year Garrett and Warren was the "minister". I remember saying to each other many a time, "You have to write that in your book when we shared sweet moments we experienced with one child or another, or, when profound wisdom poured out of two year old lips. Of course, none of our fears or frustrations would have been allowed in our books. Only those memories of cuddles and lovies and accomplishments.

Ah, but the past is just that: past. I am fifty-seven years old now. My precious little ones are grown, some with their own challenging, growing, exciting youngsters. I'm still drawn to children, though not as apt to teach them as I am to learn from them now. My heart is often bound to theirs even if they aren't all decended from my genes. Little ones are pure. They can be pure delight, or pure trouble. But pure they are. And, memories are still being made; even today.

So, if I start my book today on this blog, who will care that it's missing the best part of my life?

Perhaps events of today will stir long forgotten details of yesterday to be recaptured here. Today though holds treasures to be kept forever too. Like when Finley crawled into my lap while I was reading my Bible this morning. "There's no pictures in this book", I told him. He did not care. No one can tell me the Spirit didn't move this two year old to sit with me and share a couple of holy moments. For, he lifted his little angel face to mine and it contained silent wisdom and exhortation just short of adoration that could only come from heaven itself. "...and a little child shall lead them." (The Bible, Isaiah 11:6)